Setup Nexus OSS as docker registry proxy

I’ve been playing with the swarm deployment from my previous post too much, I’m completely sure because I was temporally banned from downloading images from hub.

Putting the Swarm to Work

Last weekend I built a docker swarm using an ansible role and deployed elasticsearch, mongodb and graylog into it, it worked but was useless because no way of ingesting data was defined.

Starting with Docker Swarm

After last week’s break, and having managed to get the RHCE certification, it’s time I get on containers.

Anxious abut taking RHCE Ex294

Overwhelming doubts I’ll take the Red Hat’s EX294 on three days, and I’ve to recognize I’m a bit anxious about it, may be, “a bit” is not the correct expression, I’ve a full cargo train of anxiousness.

Setting up an IPSec tunnel using Libreswan

I was interested on how to configure IPSec connections between linux machines, mostly for having another tool in my belt, because sometimes we deploy virtual machines on customer’s infrastructure and not all services are TLS enabled, and IPSec is a way of keeping prying eyes away.

Deploying nodejs applications with ansible

I’m pretty sure there are better ways to distribute and deploy nodejs applications, but I don’t have the power to change how developers work, I can only give advice and make suggestions.

Installing AWX on Docker

Ansible is a powerful tool, and as uncle Ben used to say: “with great power comes great responsibility” but as Wikipedia denotes it comes back from 1793 during the French Revolution.