Get Rid of Ads Using Pi-hole

I’m not sure if this is going to be enough for a blog post, because once I tried pi-hole’s installation I was surprised how simple it is.

From B to A+ at Qualys

Few days ago I checked this website with Qualys SSLlabs test tool and it scored merely a B, so I decided to raise it.

Graylog Fake ES Federation

Currently I’m working with big data sets on Graylog + Elastisearch deployments, it runs smoothly when everything is fine, but dealing with backups/snapshots and maintenance tasks is complicated.

Learn Ansible Quickly

My RHCSA is expiring in a few months and I decided to advance a step in Red Hat’s certification path.


What’s traefik? Quoting verbatim it’s own definition: Traefik is an Edge Router, it means that it’s the door to your platform, and that it intercepts and routes every incoming request: it knows all the logic and every rule that determine which services handle which requests (based on the path, the host, headers, and so on …).

Storing prometheus metrics on influxdb

My last weekend’s self-training exercise was about Monitoring Docker containers with cAdvisor, prometheus and grafana, and prometheus has its own persistence layer based on TSDB files, this model is easy to understand, but also has its drawbacks: taking care of replication, backup and availability has to be handled at file lever.