Monitoring Docker containers with cAdvisor, prometheus and grafana

Yes, you are right, this is jamdcwcpg (just another monitoring docker containers with cAdvisor, prometheus and grafana) blog entry, and yes, Internet is full of them and I read almost everyone available in English, maybe I should write it also in Spanish because there are fewer than in English.

Elasticsearch on docker

Happy new year folks! It’s been three weeks since my last post, I’ve to recognize I took some days off for Christmas.

Openshift Getting Started HOWL

Today was quite different, I changed my self-studying sessions for a most effective one, I enrolled on a Hands on workshop & lab (HOWL) from RedHat’s devnation program.

Connecting cerebro to elasticsearch

Once cerebro is up and running, I wanted to connect it to an elasticsearch cluster and it was also a good opportunity to try out the elasticsearch operator for kubernetes.

Playing with playbooks

If there is a pinnacle topic among others in the systems administration’s field, it is automation, and nowadays ansible is a synonym of automation.

The basics

Starting with hugo wasn’t difficult, I already had several markdown pages written, it was a mater of creating a new project is as simple as it is with every modern framework:

A static website

I was thinking for a long time to have a place to express my thoughts, or simply to write my doings, mostly for my self, but making them public, required me being thoroughful.

My first deployment

Now I have a nice interface for orchestrating kubernetes, but I know very little about them, some theory but never had my hands on them.

Code ready containers to the rescue

After struggling with the OKD home lab install using the fabulous Craig Robinson’s guide not his fault, the problem is my desktop PC is not enough to be a lab server.