Trying to Setup a Lab - Part I

This weekend I tried to completely rewrite how I deployed the elasticsearch cluster on my home lab. My first deployment was using a couple of shell scripts which updated system packages, installed docker among other tools, but the heart of the deployment was docker-compose.yml embedded on the script itself.

That was a nice approach that helped me deploy an almost-production-ready cluster when I went back from holidays, but, as I’m learning Ansible, I felt compelled to convert that bash script into a playbook.

Then one word came to mind: K.I.S.S., so I opened Spotify and searched for them, and got ready to turn the things as complicated as I could.

Preparing the host for running an iSCSI Target

I also wanted to turn the docker hosts into swarm nodes, but in order to run a swarm, I needed some shared storage, so I set up a iSCSI target. I did it several times on my previous job using FreeBSD as the underlying OS, and I expected CentOS setup to be similar.

I was wrong, I didn’t find how to setup iSCSI target using config files, I only found instructions to set up using targetcli, so my objective of having a 100% ansible setup was a failure.

I used some vars:

  #The volume group name
  vgname: targetsvg
  #The physical device for volumes
  vgdevice: /dev/sdb
  #The volumen name format for the sequence
  volnamefmt: "vol%02x"

Setting up the target service and installing the targetcli package

- name: Start and enable target service
    name: target
    state: started
    enabled: yes

- name: Install targetcli package
    name: targetcli
    state: latest

Then I created the logical volumes to share.

- name: create a volumegroup for luns
    vg: "{{ vgname }}"
    pvs: "{{ vgdevice }}"

- name: create four luns
    lv: "{{ item }}"
    vg: "{{ vgname }}"
    size: "2040"
  with_sequence: count=4 format={{ volnamefmt }}
  notify: create filesystems

At my first try I had the pitfall of using relative volume sizes (25%FREE), but at each iteration, the available space was recalculated, so I got 2G, 1.5GB, 1.125GB and 840M volumes. Then I tried 25%VG as size, but it got rounded down to an extent boundary, so every time I ran the playbook, the task was fired again because of the size mismatch. Using a fixed size solved the problem.

As I wanted to format the volumes only when they were created, I fired a handler.

  - name: create filesystems
      dev: /dev/mapper/{{ vgname }}-{{ item }}
      fstype: xfs
    with_sequence: count=4 format={{ volnamefmt }}

Ansible required the python-firewall module to manage firewalld, so I installed the package prior to enable the iSCSI Target service on the local firewall.

- name: Ensure python-firewall is installed
    name: python-firewall
    state: present

- name: Ensure firewalld is up and running
    name: firewalld
    state: started
    enabled: yes

- name: Allow iscsi-target connections
    zone: public
    service: iscsi-target
    state: enabled
    permanent: yes
    immediate: yes

Once everything was in place, it was time to set up the iSCSI Target.

Setting up the iSCSI Target

As I said before, I haven’t found a way to set up an iSCSI Target using config files, so I followed Configure iSCSI Target & Initiator on CentOS 7 / RHEL7 by itzgeek adapting the commands a bit. I tried to run them not-interactively thinking about putting them on an script.

First, I created the backstores using a block device, the logical volumes.

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli backstores/block create dev=/dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol01 name=target-vol01
Created block storage object target-vol01 using /dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol01.
[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli backstores/block create dev=/dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol02 name=target-vol02
Created block storage object target-vol02 using /dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol02.
[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli backstores/block create dev=/dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol03 name=target-vol03
Created block storage object target-vol03 using /dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol03.
[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli backstores/block create dev=/dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol04 name=target-vol04
Created block storage object target-vol04 using /dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol04.

Then the target and a default portal, as this is an isolated environment, I kept the default portal which listened on all interfaces.

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ create
Created target
Created TPG 1.
Global pref auto_add_default_portal=true
Created default portal listening on all IPs (, port 3260.

Once I had the portal, it was time to create some luns pointing to the backstores. I made this part interactively.

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ create /backstores/block/target-vol01 
Created LUN 0.
[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ create /backstores/block/target-vol02
Created LUN 1.
[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ create /backstores/block/target-vol03
Created LUN 2.
[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ create /backstores/block/target-vol04
Created LUN 3.

An overview of how things were going

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ ls
o- tpg1 .................................... [no-gen-acls, no-auth]
  o- acls ............................................... [ACLs: 0]
  o- luns ............................................... [LUNs: 4]
  | o- lun0  [block/target-vol01 (/dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol01) (default_tg_pt_gp)]
  | o- lun1  [block/target-vol02 (/dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol02) (default_tg_pt_gp)]
  | o- lun2  [block/target-vol03 (/dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol03) (default_tg_pt_gp)]
  | o- lun3  [block/target-vol04 (/dev/mapper/targetsvg-vol04) (default_tg_pt_gp)]
  o- portals ......................................... [Portals: 1]
    o- .......................................... [OK]

Create iSCSI ACLs

In order to access the target from the initiator, I had to set up an acl for each initiator node.

First enable authentication on the target portal group.

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli /iscsi/ set attribute authentication=1
Parameter authentication is now '1'.

Then create the ACLs

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ create iqn.2021-03.local.garmo.vb166:vb166
Created Node ACL for iqn.2021-03.local.garmo.vb166:vb166
Created mapped LUN 3.
Created mapped LUN 2.
Created mapped LUN 1.
Created mapped LUN 0.

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ create iqn.2021-03.local.garmo.vb167:vb167
Created Node ACL for iqn.2021-03.local.garmo.vb167:vb167
Created mapped LUN 3.
Created mapped LUN 2.
Created mapped LUN 1.
Created mapped LUN 0.

Then the userid and the password for earch ACL

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ set auth userid=swarmnode password=swarmpass
Parameter password is now 'swarmpass'.
Parameter userid is now 'swarmnode'.

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli iscsi/ set auth userid=swarmnode password=swarmpass
Parameter password is now 'swarmpass'.
Parameter userid is now 'swarmnode'.

Remember to save the configuration, or it will be lost at next reboot. I forgot saving it, and I lost a lot of time figuring why it failed.

[root@vb168 ~]# targetcli saveconfig
Configuration saved to /etc/target/saveconfig.json


It was a bit upset for not being able to find a way to setup the iSCSI target using ansible and a template file, but, at least I learned about the targetcli tool and I practiced a bit with the lvm and filesystem related modules.

In my next post, I’ll cover the setup of the initiator nodes.


I consulted a lot of guides this time.

Configure iSCSI Target & Initiator on CentOS 7 / RHEL7

How Install and Configure iSCSI Storage server on CentOS 7

Official linux-iscsi group’s page

Ansible open_iscsi module

How to configure iSCSI target & initiator on RHEL/CentOS 7.6

Deleting iSCSI connection

Configure iSCSI Storage Server on CentOS 8

Complete playbook


- name: Install iscsi targetcli
  hosts: storage
    vgname: targetsvg
    vgdevice: /dev/sdb
    volnamefmt: "vol%02x"

  - name: Start and enable target service
      name: target
      state: started
      enabled: yes

  - name: Install targetcli package
      name: targetcli
      state: latest

  - name: create a volumegroup for luns
      vg: "{{ vgname }}"
      pvs: "{{ vgdevice }}"

  - name: create four luns
      lv: "{{ item }}"
      vg: "{{ vgname }}"
      size: "2040"
    with_sequence: count=4 format={{ volnamefmt }}
    notify: create filesystems

  - name: Ensure python-firewall is installed
      name: python-firewall
      state: present

  - name: Ensure firewalld is up and running
      name: firewalld
      state: started
      enabled: yes

  - name: Allow iscsi-target connections
      zone: public
      service: iscsi-target
      state: enabled
      permanent: yes
      immediate: yes

    - name: create filesystems
        dev: /dev/mapper/{{ vgname }}-{{ item }}
        fstype: xfs
      with_sequence: count=4 format={{ volnamefmt }}