Putting the Swarm to Work II

Righting the wrong

I though my last try was a failure, but I was wrong. I discovered the day after writing my last post, that the “missing” records were being displayed, so it was a matter of timezone misconfiguration. After checking every component of the swarm deployment and ensuring all were correctly configured to use UTC, I turned to my log injector.

It was a docker container running nxlog directly on my computer which was sending the records without timezone indication (bsd syslog) using the local timezone. Once it was configured to use UTC and timezone indication to_syslog_ietf() the records were shown as they came on the search console. graylog 4 search screenshot

Going back to work

It’s been 20 days since my previous post, some family business prevented me to work on my home lab during my spare time, but fortunately the company I work for, S2 Grupo, was interested of deploying graylog and elasticsearch using dockers and I was able to borrow a little time to work on it from my working time. So I could said this post was partially funded by S2 Grupo.

Leveraging the work with Ansible

Knowning how to manually deploy a compose file to the swarm is a basic skill while working with docker swarm, but in order to do it in a more repeatable way, I looked for the way to do it using ansible.

I found the ansible module community.docker.docker_stack which allowed me to deploy my compose file into the swarm.

- name: Deploy compose into swarm
    state: present
    name: "{{ glstackdeploy_stack_name }}"
      - "{{ glstackdeploy_base_dir }}/glstackdeploy.yml"
  run_once: yes
  tags: deployCompose

As my deployment required several configuration files and several preconfigured tasks, I decided to write a role, which I plan to share on ansible galaxy in a near future, it’s available from my github homelab repo for now.

├── defaults
│   └── main.yml
├── files
│   └── default-inputs.json
├── README.md
├── tasks
│   └── main.yml
└── templates
    ├── glstackdeploy.yml.j2
    ├── graylog.conf.j2
    ├── haproxy.cfg.j2
    ├── init-replicaset.sh.j2
    └── rsyslog.conf.j2

It creates the configuration files for graylog, syslog and haproxy, the compose file glstackdeploy.yml, copies the mongodb’s init script and deploys the stack to the swarm.

I also made a small improvement on atosatto’s swarm role, to make it capable of using values on node’s tags.

--- a/atosatto.docker-swarm/tasks/setup-swarm-labels.yml	2020-05-08 13:29:54.000000000 +0200
+++ b/atosatto.docker-swarm/tasks/setup-swarm-labels.yml	2021-07-05 12:34:52.154417585 +0200
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     - swarm_labels
 - name: Assign labels to swarm nodes if any.
-  command: docker node update --label-add {{ item }}=true {{ ansible_fqdn|lower }}
+  command: docker node update --label-add {{ (item.find('=') > 0) | ternary( item , item ~ "=true") }} {{ ansible_fqdn|lower }}
   when: item not in docker_swarm_labels.stdout_lines
     - "{{ swarm_labels  | default([]) }}"

That change allowed me to label the swarm nodes exactly as I needed to place constraints on container’s deployment.

node1 swarm_labels='["mongo.replica=1", "esmaster", "glmaster"]'
node2 swarm_labels='["mongo.replica=2", "esmaster", "glslave"]'
node3 swarm_labels='["mongo.replica=3", "esmaster", "glslave"]'
node4 swarm_labels='["esdata=hot", "glslave"]'
node5 swarm_labels='["esdata=hot", "glslave"]'
node6 swarm_labels='["esdata=warm", "glslave"]'
node7 swarm_labels='["esdata=warm", "glslave"]'

I took advantage of Jinja2 templating and made not only the compose file, but also the configuration files dynamic, using conditional blocks, for loops, and variables.


listen graylog
   mode tcp
   bind *:12200-12300
   balance roundrobin
   option tcplog
   option log-health-checks
   option logasap
   option httpchk GET /api/system/lbstatus
   {% for host in groups['glslave'] %}
   server gls-{{ host }} gls-{{ host }} check port 9000 resolvers docker init-addr libc,none
   {% endfor %}

glstackdeploy.yml (compose file)

{% if glstackdeploy_deploy_cerebro %}
    image: juanjovlc2/cerebro:latest
      - "CEREBRO_BASE_PATH=/cerebro/"
      - "CEREBRO_PORT=8000"
      - {{ glstackdeploy_network_name }}
{% endif %}

One tricky part was using golang templating on docker configs, because it collided with jinja2 templating for ansible because of the double curly braces {{ }} used in both engines. The solution was turning the golang braces into jinja interpolated strings:

x-eslasticsearch-common: &escommon
  image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:{{ glstackdeploy_es_version }}
  hostname: esdata-{{ '{{' }} .Node.Hostname {{ '}}' }}
    - {{ glstackdeploy_data_dir }}/elasticsearch:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data:z
    - source: escert
      target: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/escert.crt
      mode: 0444
    - source: escertkey
      target: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/escert.key
      mode: 0444
    - {{ glstackdeploy_network_name }}

Initializing the mongo’s replica set was also tricky, as I was not exposing the mongodb port, I wasn’t able of using ansible.builtin.wait_for, so I put a timer and the initializing task on a block, tagged it with the never tag and I only used it when I was initializing the stack for the first time using --tags=all,never.

- name: Mongodb init block
    - name: Pause for 60s, waiting for mongo to start
        prompt: Giving time mongo1 to start
        seconds: 60
    - name: Call init script
        cmd: "{{ glstackdeploy_base_dir }}/scripts/init-replicaset.sh"
      register: initoutput
      tags: never

    - name: View init output
        var: initoutput.stdout_lines
      when: initoutput is defined
  run_once: yes
  delegate_to: node1
  tags: never

Please, note I also tagged the play which invoked the role as deployStack in order to run only that part.

- name: Deploy stack
  tags: deployStack
  hosts: docker_swarm_manager
    - juanjovlc.glstackdeploy

But that made the effective tags of the initializing block [deployStack, never] so the block was called when using --tags=deployStack. In order to prevent the initializing block for running when running the playbook with the given tag, the following command should be used:

ansible-playbook site.yml --tags=deployStack --exclude-tags=never


Though this work is not production ready, for me, it’s progress. A month ago I knew nothing about docker swarm (I admit, I knew it existed), and now I’m deploying 32 containers with a simple ansible playbook.

dockersamples visualizer screenshot

Captured used dockersamples visualizer

I can even image committing an inventory file and having a CI/CD pipeline running the playbook, but the day I’m capable of doing that, it’d mean I made myself redundant.


The relevant files are on my homelab repo

Next steps

The following steps should be.

  • Tidying up the role: more variables, customized volumes, etc.
  • Test record ingestion performance.
  • Check for unwanted East-West traffic
  • Contrib patches to atosatto’s roles