Solving the Rubik's Cube

This weekend I faced a completely different chanllenge, my daughter won a Rubik’s Cube on a youth’s camp fair and I felt compelled to play with it. Scrambling it was easy, but bringing the pieces back to their places was a nightmare for me.

I had a colleague from the develpment team for whom the mere sight of a scrambled cube was unbearable. When he came to our office to ask for help, he had to solve any cube lying around before asking any question. Fortunately, solving the cube was a matter of seconds for him.

This was not my case. But I googled a bit and found plenty of tutorials, the first one I picked up, seemed easy, but after solving the first (bottom) and second (middle) layers, it became a bit confusing and I was unable to follow. Fortunately the second one I picked up had clearer instructions, so I decided to share it:

Cubastic youtube tutorial:

All of the tutorials I saw used the same steps:

  1. Daisy: Yellow center surronded by wite edges.
  2. White cross: bring the white edges to the white center matching the color of the center piece on each side.
  3. 1st Layer (bottom) and white side solved.
  4. 2nd Layer (middle) solved.
  5. Yellow cross on top.
  6. Matching corners on 3rd layer.
  7. White, yellow and one side, and the 1st and 2nd layer.
  8. Cube solved.

rubic’s kube

If, like me, you’ve never solved a kubic rubic before, you can give it a try. And a little piece of advice, don’t buy the cheapest cube, it’s harder to move, you’ll focus on moving the pieces instead of how are you moving the pieces and will be harder and possibily frustrating.

Enjoy your cubes!